Alexia Monroe, B.A., L.M.T.


Alexia began her career in bodywork in 1984. Since learning Bowen in 1993, she has been devoted to it exclusively. 

From 1996-2018, Alexia served as an instructor for the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia. She owned a flourishing health center in Prescott, AZ, which nurtured the careers of numerous Bowen practitioners.

In 2012, Alexia led the research team of a Bowen pilot study for Christine Hansen (Argenbright), which culminated in Dr. Argenbright receiving her Ph.D. in Nursing Science from the University of Arizona.  

Besides introducing Bowen to groups such as the American Holistic Nurses Association and the U.S. Veterans Administration, she has made presentations to international conferences in the U.S., Australia, England and Greece.    


“My focus on holistic health spans more than 50 years. In my teens, I began practicing yoga and meditation. But after contracting a crippling arthritis at age 25 (linked to regular running), I had to expand my knowledge considerably. Nothing I knew, nor anything the rheumatologists at Stanford Medical Center advised, brought relief.

“I spent the next seven years exploring avenues of healing. While at age 30 I could only walk with a cane, a combination of many practices gradually reduced the chronic inflammation. A few years later, it had finally resolved.  

“By my late 30's, however, I had developed new inflammatory conditions: severe carpal tunnel syndrome (linked to my practice of deep-tissue massage) and chronic fatigue syndrome (linked to parasites and pesticide exposure during two years in Asia). My previous approaches were largely ineffective. But through listening to my body and adding new healing practices, I recovered from both conditions. This time, Bowen was part of the process. My personal experiences shaped my specialty of helping others with chronic conditions.

“I am honored to partner with Rose DeSantis in Bowenworks. I have known Rose since 2001, admiring first her skills in Bowen and then, when she became a mother, her uncommon wisdom in parenting and family health.”

 Alexia practices and teaches in Tucson, Arizona,
in deep appreciation of its green desert and sparkling night skies.