Rose DeSantis


Rose has been offering Bowen to family and friends since her first classes in 2003. 

Her interest is rooted in the benefits of Bowen she has experienced. She can attest to its healing effects on a wide range of conditions, from repetitive strain relief to surgical recovery. 

Rose can report firsthand on the power of the Bowen colic protocol.


“A new member of the family was only 6 weeks old when I visited. She was crying so loudly it was deafening! I had to concentrate to perform the colic protocol. Upon the last release, her little body immediately relaxed. She quieted, looked into my eyes, and held the gaze. It was like she came back to herself. When her mother laid her in the crib, she fell into a deep sleep. She slept so long her parents kept checking to see if the baby monitor was working!

“My own son received the colic protocol at eight days old. He had been fussy and unsettled since birth, and the gentle moves noticeably relieved his tension and stabilized his condition.”

Rose grew up in a small farming town surrounded by a tight-knit community of young families like hers. People took care of themselves and also their friends and neighbors.

She grew up eating fruit and veggies fresh from the garden and enjoying life as a free-range kid. Rose continues to garden year-round in southern Arizona, where she lives with her son and two dogs. Cooking nourishing food for family and friends is one of her daily expressions of family care.

Rose’s passion is to support Bowen practitioners to teach Family Care classes far and wide, so that every body can feel better with Bowen.