This class covers the fundamentals of the releases and their applications.        



Releases address tension areas of the lower back, mid-back, upper back, neck, diaphragm, knee and foot. 


For back and neck pain, headaches, indigestion, infant colic, restricted breathing, shock and distress, seizures, energy depletion, bleeding from cuts or nosebleeds, rebalancing, maintenance, and working on your pets.

Note: A highlight of this class is a protocol for relieving colic in newborns. 

Context: The medical field describes colic as of unknown origin, with no reliable treatment. The usual time frame before resolution is four months, during which time most families endure overwhelming distress. It is a tragic fact that colic is the number-one cause of shaken baby syndrome, which can result in death.

This colic protocol is used in dozens of countries with outstanding effectiveness. Yet this life-changing work is unknown to most people. Imagine the relief you could bring to your community by helping this protocol become common knowledge! 

Class Manual